Class RMTableRPG

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    RMArchiver.Archiving, java.lang.Cloneable
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class RMTableRPG
    extends RMShape
    This class is a basic implementation of Table RPG. It doesn't do advanced pagination, widow/orphan control, etc.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RMTableRPG

        public RMTableRPG()
        Creates a new table RPG.
    • Method Detail

      • rpgClonePreprocess

        public static void rpgClonePreprocess​(RMTableGroup aTableGroup,
                                              RMTable aTable,
                                              ReportMill aReportMill)
        Does the real work of RPG clone, so ReportMill can know how many pages were required for.
      • addTable

        public boolean addTable​(RMTable aTable,
                                java.lang.Object aSource)
        Does RPG clone for an individual table (maybe from a table group).
      • addGroup

        public void addGroup​(RMTable aTable,
                             RMGroup aGroup)
        This method recurses into table groups printing a header, details of subgroups and a summary for each group.
      • addRow

        public boolean addRow​(RMTableRowRPG aRow)
        Adds the given table row RPG to this table RPG (just below the last child).
      • getPageCount

        public int getPageCount()
        Returns the number of "pages" resulting from table RPG.
        getPageCount in class RMShape
      • getPage

        public RMTableRPG getPage​(int anIndex)
        Returns the specific "page" at the given index from the list resulting from table RPG.
      • getNextPage

        public RMTableRPG getNextPage()
        Returns the next page in the linked list.
      • getNextPageX

        public RMTableRPGX getNextPageX()
        Returns the next page in the linked list as an RMTableRPGX instance.
      • getPageLast

        public RMTableRPG getPageLast()
        Returns the last page in the linked list.
      • getPageLastX

        public RMTableRPGX getPageLastX()
        Returns the last page in the linked list.
      • getFilteredList

        public java.util.List getFilteredList​(RMTable aTable,
                                              java.util.List aList)
        Returns a filtered list for a Table (with filter key) and aList.
      • getHeightToFit

        public float getHeightToFit()
        Returns the height this table should grow to (if it autosizes).
        getHeightToFit in class RMShape
      • getPaginate

        public static boolean getPaginate​(RMTable aTable,
                                          ReportMill aReportMill)
        Returns whether the given table or ReportMill are requesting pagination.
      • getTableRow

        public RMTableRow getTableRow​(RMGroup aGroup,
                                      int part)
        Returns an RMTableRow for a given group.
      • makeColumns

        protected RMTableRPGX makeColumns​(RMTable aTable,
                                          ReportMill aReportMill)
        This method moves each groups the resulting set of table pages into a parent shape to accomodate aTable's getNumberOfColumns (spaced by its getColumnSpacing). tables for each explicit page break into encompassing shapes that hold numberOfColumns tables (spaced apart by _columnSpacing).
      • moveRowsToBottom

        public void moveRowsToBottom​(int anIndex)
        Scoots all the table rows from the given index to the end row such that they are stacked at bottom of page.