Interface UserSourceManager

    • Method Detail

      • getProfile

        UserSourceProfile getProfile​(java.lang.String name)
        Find the user source with this name.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if no such user source was found
      • addUserSourceProfileType

        void addUserSourceProfileType​(UserSourceProfileType type)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
        Adds a new type of user source into the system. Also ensures that the persistent settings record indicated by the type is known to the schema system.
        java.lang.Exception - if automatic schema updating fails.
      • registerUserProperties

        void registerUserProperties​(ConfigurationProperty<?>... properties)
        Register new properties that will be available to add to User objects.
      • getRegisteredUserProperties

        java.util.Set<ConfigurationProperty<?>> getRegisteredUserProperties()
        Retrieve all of the properties registered for user objects.
      • findUserProperty

        Property<?> findUserProperty​(java.lang.String keyName)
        Look up a registered property by key name
      • registerContactType

        void registerContactType​(ContactType contactType)
        Add a new contact type to the system
      • findContactType

        ContactType findContactType​(java.lang.String contactTypeKey)
        Find the contact type matching the given key, or null if none matches.
      • getRegisteredContactTypes

        java.util.Set<ContactType> getRegisteredContactTypes()
        Return all of the contact types registered with the system
      • notifyUserAltered

        java.util.concurrent.Future<?> notifyUserAltered​(long profileId)
        Notify the manager that a user or group in this profile has been changed. The manager maintains a cache of the users in a profile because the act of fetching users/groups for many profiles is very expensive (slow).
      • getAllRoles

        java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getAllRoles()
        Returns all roles across the various user profiles. Will return an empty set if no roles are defined.