Class CustomCompassPlot

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, java.util.EventListener, org.jfree.chart.event.AxisChangeListener, org.jfree.chart.event.MarkerChangeListener, org.jfree.chart.LegendItemSource,, org.jfree.util.PublicCloneable

    public class CustomCompassPlot
    extends org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot
    implements java.lang.Cloneable,
    A specialised plot that draws a compass to indicate a direction based on the value from a ValueDataset.

    Unfortunately, I had to cut-and-paste this class so that I could customize the drawing and fix the font bug (the orig doesn't have a customizable font)

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.awt.Font DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT
      The default label font.
      protected java.lang.String east  
      protected static java.util.ResourceBundle localizationResources
      The resourceBundle for the localization.
      static int NO_LABELS
      A constant for the label type.
      protected java.lang.String north
      Names of the directions
      protected double revolutionDistance
      The count to complete one revolution.
      protected java.lang.String south  
      static int VALUE_LABELS
      A constant for the label type.
      protected java.lang.String west  
      • Fields inherited from class org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Default constructor.
      CustomCompassPlot​( dataset)
      Constructs a new compass plot.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addDataset​( dataset)
      Adds a dataset to the compass.
      void addDataset​( dataset, org.jfree.chart.needle.MeterNeedle needle)
      Adds a dataset to the compass.
      java.lang.Object clone()
      Returns a clone of the annotation.
      void draw​(java.awt.Graphics2D g2, java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D area, java.awt.geom.Point2D anchor, org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotState parentState, org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotRenderingInfo info)
      Draws the plot on a Java 2D graphics device (such as the screen or a printer).
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
      Tests an object for equality with this plot.
      protected java.awt.Font getCompassFont​(int radius)
      Returns the font for the compass, adjusted for the size of the plot.[] getDatasets()
      Returns the dataset.
      boolean getDrawBorder()
      Returns a flag that controls whether or not a border is drawn.
      java.awt.Font getLabelFont()
      Returns the label font.
      int getLabelType()
      Returns the label type.
      org.jfree.chart.LegendItemCollection getLegendItems()
      Returns the legend items for the plot.
      java.lang.String getPlotType()
      Returns a short string describing the type of plot.
      double getRevolutionDistance()
      Gets the count to complete one revolution.
      java.awt.Paint getRoseCenterPaint()
      Returns the paint used to fill the inner background area of the compass.
      java.awt.Paint getRoseHighlightPaint()
      Returns the paint used to draw the circles, symbols and labels on the compass.
      java.awt.Paint getRosePaint()
      Returns the paint used to fill the outer circle of the compass.
      void setDrawBorder​(boolean status)
      Sets a flag that controls whether or not a border is drawn.
      void setLabelFont​(java.awt.Font font)
      Sets the label font and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      void setLabelType​(int type)
      Sets the label type (either NO_LABELS or VALUE_LABELS.
      void setRevolutionDistance​(double size)
      Sets the count to complete one revolution.
      void setRoseCenterPaint​(java.awt.Paint paint)
      Sets the paint used to fill the inner background area of the compass, and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      void setRoseHighlightPaint​(java.awt.Paint paint)
      Sets the paint used to draw the circles, symbols and labels of the compass, and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      void setRosePaint​(java.awt.Paint paint)
      Sets the paint used to fill the outer circle of the compass, and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
      void setSeriesNeedle​(int type)
      Sets the needle type.
      void setSeriesNeedle​(int index, int type)
      Sets the needle for a series.
      void setSeriesNeedle​(int index, org.jfree.chart.needle.MeterNeedle needle)
      Sets the needle for a series.
      void setSeriesOutlinePaint​(int series, java.awt.Paint p)
      Sets the series outline paint.
      void setSeriesOutlineStroke​(int series, java.awt.Stroke stroke)
      Sets the series outline stroke.
      void setSeriesPaint​(int series, java.awt.Paint paint)
      Sets the series paint.
      void updateCardinalStrings​(java.lang.String north, java.lang.String south, java.lang.String east, java.lang.String west)
      Updates the strings for the compass directions.
      void zoom​(double percent)
      No zooming is implemented for compass plot, so this method is empty.
      • Methods inherited from class org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot

        addChangeListener, axisChanged, datasetChanged, drawBackground, drawBackgroundImage, drawNoDataMessage, drawOutline, fillBackground, fillBackground, fireChangeEvent, getBackgroundAlpha, getBackgroundImage, getBackgroundImageAlignment, getBackgroundImageAlpha, getBackgroundPaint, getDatasetGroup, getDrawingSupplier, getForegroundAlpha, getInsets, getNoDataMessage, getNoDataMessageFont, getNoDataMessagePaint, getOutlinePaint, getOutlineStroke, getParent, getRectX, getRectY, getRootPlot, handleClick, isOutlineVisible, isSubplot, markerChanged, notifyListeners, removeChangeListener, resolveDomainAxisLocation, resolveRangeAxisLocation, setBackgroundAlpha, setBackgroundImage, setBackgroundImageAlignment, setBackgroundImageAlpha, setBackgroundPaint, setDatasetGroup, setDrawingSupplier, setDrawingSupplier, setForegroundAlpha, setInsets, setInsets, setNoDataMessage, setNoDataMessageFont, setNoDataMessagePaint, setOutlinePaint, setOutlineStroke, setOutlineVisible, setParent
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.awt.Font DEFAULT_LABEL_FONT
        The default label font.
      • NO_LABELS

        public static final int NO_LABELS
        A constant for the label type.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int VALUE_LABELS
        A constant for the label type.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • localizationResources

        protected static java.util.ResourceBundle localizationResources
        The resourceBundle for the localization.
      • revolutionDistance

        protected double revolutionDistance
        The count to complete one revolution. Can be arbitrarily set. For degrees (the default) it is 360, for radians this is 2*Pi, etc
      • north

        protected java.lang.String north
        Names of the directions
      • south

        protected java.lang.String south
      • east

        protected java.lang.String east
      • west

        protected java.lang.String west
    • Constructor Detail

      • CustomCompassPlot

        public CustomCompassPlot()
        Default constructor.
      • CustomCompassPlot

        public CustomCompassPlot​( dataset)
        Constructs a new compass plot.
        dataset - the dataset for the plot (null permitted).
    • Method Detail

      • getLabelType

        public int getLabelType()
        Returns the label type. Defined by the constants: NO_LABELS and VALUE_LABELS.
        The label type.
      • setLabelType

        public void setLabelType​(int type)
        Sets the label type (either NO_LABELS or VALUE_LABELS.
        type - the type.
      • getLabelFont

        public java.awt.Font getLabelFont()
        Returns the label font.
        The label font.
      • setLabelFont

        public void setLabelFont​(java.awt.Font font)
        Sets the label font and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
        font - the new label font.
      • getRosePaint

        public java.awt.Paint getRosePaint()
        Returns the paint used to fill the outer circle of the compass.
        The paint (never null).
      • setRosePaint

        public void setRosePaint​(java.awt.Paint paint)
        Sets the paint used to fill the outer circle of the compass, and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
        paint - the paint (null not permitted).
      • getRoseCenterPaint

        public java.awt.Paint getRoseCenterPaint()
        Returns the paint used to fill the inner background area of the compass.
        The paint (never null).
      • setRoseCenterPaint

        public void setRoseCenterPaint​(java.awt.Paint paint)
        Sets the paint used to fill the inner background area of the compass, and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
        paint - the paint (null not permitted).
      • getRoseHighlightPaint

        public java.awt.Paint getRoseHighlightPaint()
        Returns the paint used to draw the circles, symbols and labels on the compass.
        The paint (never null).
      • setRoseHighlightPaint

        public void setRoseHighlightPaint​(java.awt.Paint paint)
        Sets the paint used to draw the circles, symbols and labels of the compass, and sends a PlotChangeEvent to all registered listeners.
        paint - the paint (null not permitted).
      • getDrawBorder

        public boolean getDrawBorder()
        Returns a flag that controls whether or not a border is drawn.
        The flag.
      • setDrawBorder

        public void setDrawBorder​(boolean status)
        Sets a flag that controls whether or not a border is drawn.
        status - the flag status.
      • setSeriesPaint

        public void setSeriesPaint​(int series,
                                   java.awt.Paint paint)
        Sets the series paint.
        series - the series index.
        paint - the paint.
      • setSeriesOutlinePaint

        public void setSeriesOutlinePaint​(int series,
                                          java.awt.Paint p)
        Sets the series outline paint.
        series - the series index.
        p - the paint.
      • setSeriesOutlineStroke

        public void setSeriesOutlineStroke​(int series,
                                           java.awt.Stroke stroke)
        Sets the series outline stroke.
        series - the series index.
        stroke - the stroke.
      • setSeriesNeedle

        public void setSeriesNeedle​(int type)
        Sets the needle type.
        type - the type.
      • setSeriesNeedle

        public void setSeriesNeedle​(int index,
                                    int type)
        Sets the needle for a series. The needle type is one of the following:
        • 0 = ArrowNeedle;
        • 1 = LineNeedle;
        • 2 = LongNeedle;
        • 3 = PinNeedle;
        • 4 = PlumNeedle;
        • 5 = PointerNeedle;
        • 6 = ShipNeedle;
        • 7 = WindNeedle;
        • 8 = ArrowNeedle;
        • 9 = MiddlePinNeedle;
        index - the series index.
        type - the needle type.
      • setSeriesNeedle

        public void setSeriesNeedle​(int index,
                                    org.jfree.chart.needle.MeterNeedle needle)
        Sets the needle for a series.
        index - the series index.
        needle - the needle.
      • getDatasets

        public[] getDatasets()
        Returns the dataset.

        Provided for convenience.

        The dataset for the plot, cast as a ValueDataset.
      • addDataset

        public void addDataset​( dataset)
        Adds a dataset to the compass.
        dataset - the new dataset.
      • addDataset

        public void addDataset​( dataset,
                               org.jfree.chart.needle.MeterNeedle needle)
        Adds a dataset to the compass.
        dataset - the new dataset.
        needle - the needle.
      • draw

        public void draw​(java.awt.Graphics2D g2,
                         java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D area,
                         java.awt.geom.Point2D anchor,
                         org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotState parentState,
                         org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotRenderingInfo info)
        Draws the plot on a Java 2D graphics device (such as the screen or a printer).
        Specified by:
        draw in class org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot
        g2 - the graphics device.
        area - the area within which the plot should be drawn.
        anchor - the anchor point (null permitted).
        parentState - the state from the parent plot, if there is one.
        info - collects info about the drawing.
      • getPlotType

        public java.lang.String getPlotType()
        Returns a short string describing the type of plot.
        Specified by:
        getPlotType in class org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot
        A string describing the plot.
      • getLegendItems

        public org.jfree.chart.LegendItemCollection getLegendItems()
        Returns the legend items for the plot. For now, no legend is available - this method returns null.
        Specified by:
        getLegendItems in interface org.jfree.chart.LegendItemSource
        getLegendItems in class org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot
        The legend items.
      • zoom

        public void zoom​(double percent)
        No zooming is implemented for compass plot, so this method is empty.
        zoom in class org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot
        percent - the zoom amount.
      • getCompassFont

        protected java.awt.Font getCompassFont​(int radius)
        Returns the font for the compass, adjusted for the size of the plot.
        radius - the radius.
        The font.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        Tests an object for equality with this plot.
        equals in class org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot
        obj - the object (null permitted).
      • clone

        public java.lang.Object clone()
                               throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
        Returns a clone of the annotation.
        Specified by:
        clone in interface org.jfree.util.PublicCloneable
        clone in class org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot
        A clone.
        java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - this class will not throw this exception, but subclasses (if any) might.
      • setRevolutionDistance

        public void setRevolutionDistance​(double size)
        Sets the count to complete one revolution. Can be arbitaly set For degrees (the default) it is 360, for radians this is 2*Pi, etc
        size - the count to complete one revolution.
      • getRevolutionDistance

        public double getRevolutionDistance()
        Gets the count to complete one revolution.
        The count to complete one revolution
      • updateCardinalStrings

        public void updateCardinalStrings​(java.lang.String north,
                                          java.lang.String south,
                                          java.lang.String east,
                                          java.lang.String west)
        Updates the strings for the compass directions. It's up to the caller to make sure it's not something stupidly long