Interface WindowDropHandler

  • public interface WindowDropHandler
    Implement one of these and register it with the VisionDesignerInterface if you want to add drop handling to the window workspace.

    Created by carl.gould on 4/2/2015.

    • Method Detail

      • init

        void init​(WindowWorkspace workspace)
        Gives the window workspace to the drop handler in case it needs it later during a drop
      • getDropTargetComponentType

        DropTargetComponentType getDropTargetComponentType()
        Return the type of component (container or component) this drop handler prefers to drop onto.
      • testDrop

        DropReaction testDrop​(java.awt.dnd.DropTargetEvent event)
        Test whether or not this type of event is an appropriate data flavor for this drop handler. If not, return DropReaction.None
      • handleDrop

        boolean handleDrop​(javax.swing.JComponent droppedOn,
                           java.awt.dnd.DropTargetDropEvent event)
        Handle the drop itself. It is guaranteed that testDrop(DropTargetEvent) will have already been called and returned non-None for the event. Return true if all went well.