Interface GatewayTagProvider

    • Method Detail

      • startup

        void startup()
      • shutdown

        void shutdown()
      • moveTagsAsync

        java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.util.List<QualityCode>> moveTagsAsync​(java.util.List<TagPath> tags,
                                                                                          TagPath destination,
                                                                                          CollisionPolicy collisionPolicy,
                                                                                          SecurityContext securityContext)
        Moves the specified tags to the given destination, returning the result quality for each requested move. Can be used to rename a single tag if tags.size() is 1 and destination 1) does not exist as a folder and 2) is a single level beneath the same folder as the existing tag. Can also be used to copy tags by sending true for the copy flag. In this case, the original tags will remain unchanged.