Interface GatewayTagHistoryManager

    • Method Detail

      • addTagHistoryProviderType

        void addTagHistoryProviderType​(TagHistoryProviderType type)
                                throws java.lang.Exception
        Adds a new kind of SQLTag history provider to the system.
      • removeTagHistoryProviderType

        void removeTagHistoryProviderType​(TagHistoryProviderType type)
                                   throws java.lang.Exception
        Removes a type of SQLTag history provider from the system
      • registerTagHistoryProvider

        void registerTagHistoryProvider​(TagHistoryProvider provider)
        Allows modules to register new tag history providers. Generally tag history managers should be managed through the Extension Point system, but occasionally a module may want to manage how tag history providers are instantiated.
      • unregisterTagHistoryProvider

        void unregisterTagHistoryProvider​(java.lang.String name)
        Stops and unregisters the specified tag history manager. Should only be used by modules who are manually controller provider registration using the corresponding registerTagHistoryProvider function. In other words, do not use if using the Extension Point system.
      • getTagHistoryProvider

        TagHistoryProvider getTagHistoryProvider​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the tag history provider specified, or null if the provider doesn't exist.
      • queryDensity

        TimelineSet queryDensity​(java.util.List<QualifiedPath> paths,
                                 java.util.Date start,
                                 java.util.Date end)
                          throws java.lang.Exception