Interface DesignerContext

    • Method Detail

      • exportResources

        void exportResources​(@Nonnull
                             java.util.Collection<ResourcePath> resourceIds)
        Shows the project export window (after doing a commit) with the given resource IDs checked.
        resourceIds - Collection of ProjectResourceIds. Not null, but may be empty.
      • addBeanInfoSearchPath

        void addBeanInfoSearchPath​(@Nonnull
                                   java.lang.String packageName)
        Adds the given fully-qualified path name to the Introspector's BeanInfo search path. BeanInfos can be important for not only visual beans, but for controlling serialization.
        packageName - fully-qualified path name. Not null.
      • createSerializer

        XMLSerializer createSerializer()
        Creates a new XML serializer that has been configured by all installed modules for custom serialization delegates
        Not null.
      • getStatusBar

        StatusBar getStatusBar()
        The StatusBar at the bottom of the Designer can be used to display temporary messages and for adding always-present little components that appear in the bottom-right
        Not null.
      • editResourceDocs

        void editResourceDocs​(@Nonnull
                              ProjectResource resource)
        Opens up the resource notes editor for the given project resources
      • getProjectBrowserRoot

        ProjectBrowserRoot getProjectBrowserRoot()
        Returns the root node of the project browser tree, so that modules may add their own nodes.
        See Also:
      • getDesignerPrefs

        PersistentProperties getDesignerPrefs()
        Returns a PersistentProperties file that will be stored on a per-user basis for "persistent" but not project-encapsulated preferences
      • getFrame

        java.awt.Frame getFrame()
        Returns the owning frame of the designer. Handy for dialog parents
      • getCutAction

        javax.swing.Action getCutAction()
      • getCopyAction

        javax.swing.Action getCopyAction()
      • getPasteAction

        javax.swing.Action getPasteAction()
      • getDeleteAction

        javax.swing.Action getDeleteAction()
      • getTagEditor

        TagEditor getTagEditor()
        Returns the TagEditorPanel that can be used to edit/add Tags
      • getTagBrowser

        TagBrowserPanel getTagBrowser()
        Returns the TagBrowserPanel that can be used to select Tags
      • getOPCBrowser

        OPCBrowserPanel getOPCBrowser()
        Returns the OPCBrowserPanel that can be used to browse and import OPC items
      • getQueryBrowserPanel

        QueryBrowser getQueryBrowserPanel()
        Returns the DB query browser tool
      • getDockingManager

        com.jidesoft.docking.DockingManager getDockingManager()
        Returns the JIDE DockingManager for the Designer
      • getToolbarManager

        com.jidesoft.action.DockableBarManager getToolbarManager()
        Returns the JIDE dockable toolbar manager
      • registerResourceWorkspace

        void registerResourceWorkspace​(@Nonnull
                                       ResourceWorkspace workspace)
        Registers a new ResourceWorkspace, which is a main editing area for the designer. The workspace has menus and toolbars associated with it that become visible when the workspace is focused.
        workspace - The ResourceWorkspace to register with the designer
      • addPropertyEditor

        void addPropertyEditor​(@Nonnull
                               java.lang.Class<? extends AbstractPropertyEditorPanel> pageClass)

        Adds a property editor page that will be incorporated into the Designer's project property editing system. This class will be instantiated the first time that the property editor is displayed, and must have either a nullary constructor or a constructor that takes a DesignerContext.

        The Property Editing framework is designed around the idea that modules will store properties in opaquely xml-serialized project resources which can be uniquely identified by their module ID and resource type. The property editing UI will handle the de/serialization and project syncing tasks so that the property editor pages can simply focus on UI.

      • registerSearchProvider

        void registerSearchProvider​(@Nonnull
                                    SearchProvider provider)
        Registers a search provider that will be exposed through the find/replace system.
      • getSearchProviders

        java.util.List<SearchProvider> getSearchProviders()
        Get the registered SearchProviders.
        Not null.
      • registerClientPermissions

        void registerClientPermissions​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> bundleMap)
        Register id-bundlekey pairs to limit client permissions
        bundleMap - Map of ids to bundlekeys. Not null.
      • getClientPermissionBundleKeys

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getClientPermissionBundleKeys()
      • canEditResourceProtection

        boolean canEditResourceProtection()
        Checks whether or not the current logged in user can edit the protection bits of project resources.