Class RMShape

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Creates a plain shape.
      RMShape​(RMShape aShape)
      Creates a shape with the same basic attributes as the given shape.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean acceptsChildren()
      Editor method.
      boolean acceptsDragKeys()
      Editor method.
      boolean acceptsFormat()
      Returns whether the shape can accept a format.
      boolean acceptsMouse()
      Viewer method.
      void addChild​(RMShape aChild)
      Adds the given child to the end of this shape's children list.
      void addChild​(RMShape aChild, int anIndex)
      Adds the given child to this shape's children list at the given index.
      void addChildBelowLastChild​(RMShape aChild)
      Adds the given child to the end of this shape's children list at a y position just below previously last child.
      RMRect bounds()
      Returns raw x, y, width and height of shape as rect (preserves possible negative sizes).
      void boundsChanged()
      Notifies a shape and its parents that its bounds changed.
      void boundsChanged​(RMShape aShape)
      Notifies this shape that a given shape's bounds have changed (presumably a descendant).
      void bringShapesToFront​(java.util.List shapes)
      Moves the subset of children in the given list to the front of the children list.
      boolean canBeUngrouped()
      Editor method.
      boolean childrenSuperSelectImmediately()
      Editor method.
      java.lang.Object clone()
      Standard implementation of Object clone.
      RMShape cloneDeep()
      Clones all attributes of this shape with complete clones of its children as well.
      boolean contains​(RMPoint aPoint)
      Returns whether this shape is hit by the point, given in this shape's parent's coords.
      RMPoint convertedPointFromShape​(RMPoint aPoint, RMShape aShape)
      Returns the given point converted from the given shape's coords.
      RMPoint convertedPointToShape​(RMPoint aPoint, RMShape aShape)
      Returns the given point converted to the given shape's coords.
      RMRect convertedRectFromShape​(RMRect aRect, RMShape aShape)
      Returns the rect encompassing the given rect converted from the given shape's coords.
      RMRect convertedRectToShape​(RMRect aRect, RMShape aShape)
      Returns the rect encompassing the given rect converted to the given shape's coords.
      RMSize convertedSizeFromShape​(RMSize aSize, RMShape aShape)
      Returns the given size converted from the given shape's coords.
      RMSize convertedSizeToShape​(RMSize aSize, RMShape aShape)
      Returns the given size converted to the given shape's coords.
      RMSize convertedVectorFromShape​(RMSize aSize, RMShape aShape)
      Returns the given size converted from the given shape's coords and normalized.
      RMSize convertedVectorToShape​(RMSize aSize, RMShape aShape)
      Returns the given size converted to the given shape's coords and normalized.
      void convertFromShape​(RMShape aShape)
      Transforms the given shape from this shape's coords.
      RMPath convertPathFromShape​(RMPath aPath, RMShape aShape)
      Returns the given path converted from the given shape's coords.
      RMPath convertPathToShape​(RMPath aPath, RMShape aShape)
      Returns the given path converted to the given shape's coords.
      RMPoint convertPointFromShape​(RMPoint point, RMShape shape)
      Converts the given point to the given shape's coords (returns it for convenience).
      RMPoint convertPointToShape​(RMPoint point, RMShape shape)
      Converts the given point to the given shape's coords (returns it for convenience).
      RMRect convertRectFromShape​(RMRect rect, RMShape shape)
      Converts the given rect from the given shape's coords (returns it for convenience).
      RMRect convertRectToShape​(RMRect rect, RMShape shape)
      Converts the given rect to the given shape's coords (returns it for convenience).
      RMSize convertSizeFromShape​(RMSize size, RMShape shape)
      Converts the given size from the given shape's coords (returns it for convenience).
      RMSize convertSizeToShape​(RMSize size, RMShape shape)
      Converts the given size to the given shape's coords (returns it for convenience).
      void convertToShape​(RMShape aShape)
      Transforms the given shape to this shape's coords.
      RMSize convertVectorFromShape​(RMSize size, RMShape shape)
      Converts the given size (as a vector) from the given shape's coords (returns it for convenience).
      RMSize convertVectorToShape​(RMSize size, RMShape shape)
      Converts the given size (as a vector) to the given shape's coords (returns it for convenience).
      void copy​(java.lang.Object anObj)
      Copies all the attributes of the given object that are in common with this object.
      void copyShape​(RMShape aShape)
      Copies basic shape attributes from given RMShape (location, size, fill, stroke, roll, scale, name, url, etc.).
      void delete()
      Called when a shape is removed from a shape heirarchy.
      void didChange​(RMObject oldObj)
      Undo support.
      RMShape divideShapeFromEdge​(float amount, byte edge, RMShape newShape)
      Divides the shape by a given amount from the given edge.
      RMShape divideShapeFromTop​(float amount)
      Divides the shape by a given amount from the top.
      void dragExit()
      Editor method.
      void dragKeyAtPoint​(java.lang.String aKey, RMPoint aPoint)
      Editor method.
      void dropKeyAtPoint​(java.lang.String aKey, RMPoint aPoint)
      Editor method.
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object anObj)
      Standard implementation of Object equals.
      java.lang.Object fromXML​(RXArchiver anArchiver, RXElement anElement)
      XML unarchival.
      void fromXMLDeep​(RXArchiver anArchiver, RXElement anElement)
      XML unarchival for shape children
      java.lang.Object get​(java.lang.String aName)
      Returns the Object associated with the given name for the shape.
      java.lang.String getActionScript()
      Sets the ActionScript for the shape.
      RMShapeAnim getAnim()
      Returns the collection of animation records for this shape.
      RMShapeAnim getAnim​(boolean create)
      Returns the collection of animation records for this shape, with an option to create if absent.
      RMAnimator getAnimator()
      Returns the animator that this shape registers changes with.
      RMAnimator getAnimator​(boolean create)
      Returns the animator that this shape registers changes with (creating, if requested and currently null).
      boolean getAutosizeHeight()
      Returns whether the shape's height is set automatically to its ideal height during report generation.
      java.lang.String getAutosizing()
      Returns the autosizing settings as a string with hyphens for struts and tilde for sprints (horiz,vert).
      RMRect getBounds()
      Returns the X, Y, width and height of the shape as a rect (use getFrame if shape has roll/scale/skew).
      RMRect getBoundsInside()
      Returns the bounds of the shape in the shape's own coords.
      RMRect getBoundsMarked()
      Returns the bounds of the path associated with this shape in parent coords, ajusted to account for stroke width.
      RMRect getBoundsOfChildren()
      Returns bounds of all children of this shape, which can sometimes differ from this shapes bounds.
      RMRect getBoundsOfChildren​(java.util.List aList)
      Returns the bounds of a given subset of this shape's children.
      RMRect getBoundsSuperSelected()
      Returns the bounds of the shape in parect coords when super selected (same as getBoundsMarked by default).
      boolean getCausesWrap()
      Returns whether this shape causes text wrap.
      byte getCausesWrapType()
      Returns how this shape causes text wrap.
      RMShape getChild​(int anIndex)
      Returns the child at the given index.
      RMAnimator getChildAnimator()
      Returns the animator that this shape's children use.
      RMAnimator getChildAnimator​(boolean create)
      Returns the animator that this shape's children use (creating, if requested and currently null).
      RMShape getChildContaining​(RMPoint aPoint)
      Returns the first (top) shape hit by the point given in this shape's coords.
      int getChildCount()
      Returns the number of children associated with this shape.
      RMShape getChildLast()
      Returns the last child of this shape.
      java.util.List getChildren()
      Returns the list of children associated with this shape.
      java.util.List getChildrenIntersecting​(RMPath aPath)
      Returns the child shapes hit by the path given in this shape's coords.
      java.util.List getChildrenWhoCauseWrap​(RMShape aPeer)
      Returns the subset of children that cause wrap.
      java.util.List getChildrenWhoDraw()
      Returns the subset of children that should be drawn (useful for implementing page layering).
      java.util.List getChildrenWhoHitTest()
      Returns the subset of children that should be used for hit detection (useful for implementing page layering).
      RMShape getChildSortedByX​(int anIndex)
      Returns the child at a given index, ordered by X (left-to-right) order
      RMShape getChildWithClass​(java.lang.Class aClass)
      Returns first child found with the given class (called recursively on children if not found at current level).
      RMShape getChildWithName​(java.lang.String aName)
      Returns first child found with the given name (called recursively on children if not found at current level).
      RMColor getColor()
      Returns the color of the shape.
      RMShape getCommonAncestor​(RMShape aShape)
      Returns first ancestor that the given shape and this shape have in common.
      RMDocument getDocument()
      Returns the RMDocument ancestor of this shape (or null if not there).
      RMFill getFill()
      Returns the fill for this shape.
      RMFill getFill​(int anIndex)
      Returns the specific fill at the given index.
      RMFill getFill​(java.lang.Class aClass)
      Returns the specific fill with the given class.
      int getFillCount()
      Returns the number of fills associated with this shape.
      java.util.List getFills()
      Returns this list of fills - a special list that can be operated on directly.
      RMFont getFont()
      Returns the font for the shape.
      RMFormat getFormat()
      Returns the format for the shape.
      RMRect getFrame()
      Returns the rect in parent coords that fully encloses the shape.
      RMRect getFrame​(RMShape aShape)
      Returns the rect that fully encloses the receiver in the given shape's coords.
      float getFrameMaxX()
      Returns the max X of the shape's frame.
      float getFrameMaxY()
      Returns the max Y of the shape's frame.
      float getFrameX()
      Returns the X of the rect that fully encloses the shape in parent coords.
      RMPoint getFrameXY()
      Returns the origin of the shape's bounds rect in parent coords.
      float getFrameY()
      Returns the Y of the rect that fully encloses the shape in parent coords.
      RMShape getGroupShape​(java.util.List shapes)
      Returns a newly created RMShape whose bounds has been set to the combined bounds of the subset of children in the given list.
      float getHeight()
      Returns the height of the shape.
      float getHeightToFit()
      Returns the ideal height of this shape to accommodate its contents (just the current height for most shapes).
      RMImageFill getImageFill()
      Returns the imageFill for this shape (or null, if fill isn't an RMImageFill).
      float getLineWidth()
      Returns the line width of the shape's stroke in printer points.
      java.lang.String getListKey()
      Returns the "List Key" associated with this shape.
      java.lang.String getListKeyDeep()
      Returns the concatenated list keys of this shape and its parents (useful for nested list key shapes.
      RMShape getListKeyShape()
      Returns the real shape used to resolve the list key for this shape.
      float getMaxX()
      Returns the max X of the shape (assumes not rotated, scaled or skewed).
      float getMaxY()
      Returns the max Y of the shape (assumes not rotated, scaled or skewed).
      java.lang.String getName()
      Returns the name for the shape.
      float getOpacity()
      Returns the opactiy of the shape (1 for opaque, 0 for transparent).
      float getOpacityDeep()
      Returns the combined opacity of this shape and its parent.
      RMXString.Outline getOutline()
      Returns the outline for the shape.
      int getPageCount()
      Returns the number of pages associated with this shape.
      RMShape getPageShape()
      Returns the RMPage ancestor of this shape (or null if not there).
      RMShape getParent()
      Returns the parent of this shape.
      int getParentCount()
      Returns the number of ancestors (from this shape's parent up to the document).
      java.util.List getParents()
      Returns a list of this shape's parent, and that shape's parent, up to document.
      RMPath getPath()
      Returns the shape's path.
      RMPath getPathInBounds()
      Returns the shape's path scaled to the shape's current bounds.
      java.lang.String getPropertyKey​(java.lang.String aName)
      Returns the specific property key for the given property name.
      int getPropertyKeyCount()
      Returns the number of property keys (like IsVisible, FillColor, StrokeColor, Width, etc.)
      java.lang.String getPropertyKeyName​(int anIndex)
      Returns the specific settable property key name at the given index.
      float getRoll()
      Returns the roll of the shape.
      RMShape getRootShape()
      Returns the top level shape (usually an RMDocument).
      float getScaleX()
      Returns the scale of the X axis of the shape.
      float getScaleY()
      Returns the scale of the Y axis of the shape.
      java.util.List getShapesToAncestor​(RMShape shape)
      Returns a list of shapes from this shape to a given ancestor.
      java.util.List getShapesToDescendant​(RMShape aShape)
      Returns a list of shape's from this shape to given desendant.
      java.util.List getShapesToShape​(RMShape aShape)
      Returns a list of shapes from this shape to given shape.
      RMSize getSize()
      Returns the size of the shape.
      RMSize getSizeP()
      Returns the size of the shape in parent coords.
      float getSkewX()
      Returns the skew of the X axis of the shape.
      float getSkewY()
      Returns the skew of the Y axis of the shape.
      RMStroke getStroke()
      Returns the stroke for this shape.
      RMColor getStrokeColor()
      Returns the stroke color of the shape.
      RMColor getTextColor()
      Returns the text color for the shape.
      java.lang.String getToolClassName()
      Editor method - returns the tool class name for this shape.
      RMTransform getTransform()
      Returns the transform to this shape from its parent.
      RMTransform getTransformFromShape​(RMShape aShape)
      Returns the transform from the given shape to this shape.
      RMTransform getTransformInverse()
      Returns the transform from this shape to it's parent.
      RMTransform getTransformToShape​(RMShape aShape)
      Returns the transform from this shape to the given shape.
      RMUndoer getUndoer()
      Returns the undoer for this shape (or null if not there).
      java.lang.String getUrl()
      Sets the URL for the shape.
      float getWidth()
      Returns the width of the shape.
      float getWidthToFit()
      Returns the ideal width of this shape to accommodate its contents (just the current width for most shapes).
      float getX()
      Returns the X location of the shape.
      RMPoint getXY()
      Returns the XY location of the shape as a point.
      RMPoint getXYP()
      Returns the origin point of the shape in parent's coords.
      float getY()
      Returns the Y location of the shape.
      RMShape groupShapes​(java.util.List shapes, RMShape groupShape)
      Adds the subset of children in given list into a given group shape, which is then added back to receiver.
      boolean hasPageBreaks()
      Page number resolution.
      float height()
      Returns raw height of shape.
      int indexOf()
      Returns the index of this child in its parent.
      int indexOf​(RMShape aChild)
      Returns the index of the given child in this shape's children list.
      java.lang.Object initWithArchiver​(RMArchiver anArchiver)
      Legacy unarchival.
      boolean intersects​(RMPath aPath)
      Returns whether this shape is hit by the path, given in this shape's parent's coords.
      boolean isAncestor​(RMShape aShape)
      Returns true if given shape is one of this shape's ancestors.
      boolean isDescendant​(RMShape aShape)
      Returns true if given shape is one of this shape's descendants.
      boolean isLocked()
      Returns the locked state of the shape (really just to prevent location/size changes in the editor).
      boolean isRoot()
      Editor method - returns whether this shape is at the top level (usually RMPage).
      boolean isUnderlined()
      Returns whether the shape is underlined.
      void mouseDragged​(RMViewer aViewer, java.awt.event.MouseEvent anEvent)
      Viewer method.
      void mouseEntered​(RMViewer aViewer, java.awt.event.MouseEvent anEvent)
      Viewer method.
      void mouseExited​(RMViewer aViewer, java.awt.event.MouseEvent anEvent)
      Viewer method.
      void mouseMoved​(RMViewer aViewer, java.awt.event.MouseEvent anEvent)
      Viewer method.
      void mousePressed​(RMViewer aViewer, java.awt.event.MouseEvent anEvent)
      Viewer method.
      void mouseReleased​(RMViewer aViewer, java.awt.event.MouseEvent anEvent)
      Viewer method.
      boolean notRSS()
      Returns whether the shape has been rotated, scaled or skewed (for efficientency).
      void offsetChildrenXY​(float dx, float dy)
      Offsets this shape's children by the given dx, dy.
      void offsetXY​(double dx, double dy)
      Offsets the X and Y location of the shape by the given dx & dy amount (convenience).
      int page()
      Page number resolution.
      int pageBreakMax()
      Page number resolution.
      int pageBreakPageMax()
      Page number resolution.
      int pageMax()
      Page number resolution.
      void put​(java.lang.String aName, java.lang.Object anObj)
      Sets an Object to be associated with the given name for the shape.
      void putPropertyKey​(java.lang.String aName, java.lang.String aKey)
      Puts the specific property key for the given property name.
      void reclaimChildren()
      Ensures that children associated with this shape know who's their daddy.
      void removeChild​(int anIndex)
      Remove's the child at the given index from this shape's children list.
      void removeChild​(RMShape aChild)
      Removes the given child from this shape's children list.
      void removeChildren()
      Removes all children from this shape.
      void removeChildren​(java.util.List l)
      Removes the given list of children from this shape.
      void removeFromParent()
      Removes this shape from it's parent.
      void resolvePageReferences​(ReportMill rm, java.lang.Object userInfo)
      Replaces all @Page@ style keys with their actual values for this shape and it's children.
      RMShape rpgClone​(ReportMill rm)
      A clone implementation that copies this shape and its children, performing data substituion as well.
      java.lang.Object rpgCloneBase()
      An rpgClone hook to provide the basic rpgClone (default implementation just calls Object clone).
      void rpgCloneChildren​(ReportMill rm, RMShape copy)
      An rpgClone hook to rpgClone a shape's children.
      void rpgCloneConclude​(ReportMill rm)
      An rpgClone hook called by RMDocument after this shape's page is rpgCloned.
      void rpgCloneNotification​(ReportMill aReportMill, RMShape copy)
      An rpgClone hook to call ReportMill's rpgClone notification, if shape is named.
      void rpgClonePrepare​(ReportMill rm)
      An rpgClone hook called by RMDocument before this shape's page is rpgCloned.
      void rpgClonePreprocess​(ReportMill rm)
      An rpgClone hook called by RMDocument on all children before anything else.
      void rpgCloneUrl​(ReportMill aReportMill, RMShape rpgClone)
      An rpgClone hook to clone a shape's URL with data substitution.
      void sendShapesToBack​(java.util.List shapes)
      Moves the subset of children in the given list to the back of the children list.
      void setActionScript​(java.lang.String aString)
      Returns the ActionScript for the shape.
      void setAnim​(RMShapeAnim anAnim)
      Sets the collection of animation records for this shape.
      void setAutosizeHeight​(boolean aValue)
      Sets whether the shape's height is set automatically to its ideal height during report generation.
      void setAutosizing​(java.lang.String aVal)
      Sets the autosizing settings as a string with hyphens for struts and tilde for sprints (horiz,vert).
      void setBounds​(double x, double y, double w, double h)
      Sets X, Y, width and height of shape to given dimensions.
      void setBounds​(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D aRect)
      Sets X, Y, width and height of shape to dimensions in given rect.
      void setCausesWrapType​(byte aType)
      Sets how this shape causes text wrap.
      void setChildren​(java.util.List aList)
      Sets the list of children associated with this shape.
      void setColor​(RMColor aColor)
      Sets the color of the shape.
      void setFill​(RMFill aFill)
      Sets the fill for this shape.
      void setFont​(RMFont aFont)
      Sets the font for the shape.
      void setFormat​(RMFormat aFormat)
      Sets the format for the shape.
      void setFrame​(double x, double y, double w, double h)
      Sets the bounds of the shape such that it exacly fits in the given parent coord rect.
      void setFrame​(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D aRect)
      Sets the bounds of the shape such that it exacly fits in the given parent coord rect.
      void setFrameSize​(double w, double h)
      Sets a shape's size such that its frame (enclosing rect in parent coords) will have the given width and height.
      void setFrameX​(double x)
      Sets a shape's X such that its bounds rect (in parent coords) has origin at the given X.
      void setFrameXY​(double x, double y)
      Sets a shape's origin such that its frame (enclosing rect in parent coords) will have the given X and Y.
      void setFrameXY​(RMPoint aPoint)
      Sets a shape's origin such that its bounds rect (in parent coords) has origin at the given point.
      void setFrameY​(double y)
      Sets a shape's Y such that its bounds rect (in parent coords) has origin at the given Y.
      void setHeight​(double aHeight)
      Sets the height of the shape.
      void setHeightDeep​(float h)
      Sets the height of this shape and its children (proportionally using their autosizing).
      void setHeightDeep​(float h, boolean c)
      Sets the height of this shape and its children (proportionally using their autosizing).
      void setHeightToFit()
      Sets the shape to its getHeightToFit (which is just the current height for most shapes).
      void setLineWidth​(float aValue)
      Sets the line width of the shape's stroke in printer points.
      void setListKey​(java.lang.String aKeyPath)
      Sets the List Key associated with this shape.
      void setLocked​(boolean aValue)
      Sets the locked state of the shape (really just to prevent location/size changes in the editor).
      void setName​(java.lang.String aName)
      Sets the name for the shape.
      void setNeedsRepaint()
      Visual change notification - call before making changes that will require repaint.
      void setNeedsRepaint​(RMShape aShape)
      Visual change notification - call before making changes that will require repaint.
      void setOpacity​(float aValue)
      Sets the opactiy of the shape (1 for opaque, 0 for transparent).
      void setOutline​(RMXString.Outline anOutline)
      Sets the outline for the shape.
      void setParent​(RMShape aShape)
      Sets the parent of this shape (called automatically by addChild()).
      void setRoll​(float aValue)
      Sets the roll of the shape.
      void setScaleX​(float aValue)
      Sets the scale of the X axis of the shape.
      void setScaleXY​(float sx, float sy)
      Sets the scale of the X and Y axis.
      void setScaleY​(float aValue)
      Sets the scale of the Y axis of the shape.
      void setSize​(double width, double height)
      Sets the size of the shape.
      void setSize​(RMSize aSize)
      Sets the size of the shape.
      void setSizeDeep​(float aWidth, float aHeight)
      Sets the size of this shape and its children (proportionally using their autosizing).
      void setSizeP​(double w, double h)
      Sets the size of the shape to the given width and height in parent's coords.
      void setSizeToFit()
      Sets the shape to its ideal size from getWidthToFit and getHeightToFit.
      void setSizeToFit​(float maxWidth, float maxHeight)
      This convenience method sets the shape to its ideal size from getWidthToFit and getHeightToFit, allowing you to additionally specify a maxWidth and maxHeight.
      void setSkewX​(float aValue)
      Sets the skew of the X axis of the shape.
      void setSkewXY​(float skx, float sky)
      Sets the skew of the X and Y axis.
      void setSkewY​(float aValue)
      Sets the skew of the Y axis of the shape.
      void setStroke​(RMStroke aStroke)
      Sets the stroke for this shape, with an option to turn on drawsStroke.
      void setStrokeColor​(RMColor aColor)
      Sets the stroke color of the shape.
      void setTextColor​(RMColor aColor)
      Sets the text color for the shape.
      void setTime​(float aTime)
      Tells the shape's anim records to update the shape to the given time.
      void setUnderlined​(boolean aFlag)
      Sets the shape to underline.
      void setUrl​(java.lang.String aUrl)
      Returns the URL for the shape.
      void setWidth​(double aWidth)
      Sets the width of the shape.
      void setWidthDeep​(float w)
      Sets the width of this shape and its children (proportionally using their autosizing).
      void setWidthDeep​(float w, boolean c)
      Sets the width of this shape and its children (proportionally using their autosizing).
      void setWidthToFit()
      Sets the shape to its getWidthToFit (which is just the current width for most shapes).
      void setX​(double x)
      Sets the X location of the shape.
      void setXY​(double x, double y)
      Sets the X and Y location of the shape to the given point (convenience).
      void setXY​(java.awt.geom.Point2D aPoint)
      Sets the X and Y location of the shape to the given point (convenience).
      void setXYP​(float x, float y)
      Sets the origin point of the shape to the given X and Y in parent's coords.
      void setY​(double y)
      Sets the Y location of the shape.
      boolean sizesToFitChildren()
      Editor method.
      boolean superSelectable()
      Editor method - indicates whether this shape can be super selected.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Standard to string implementation (prints class name and shape bounds).
      RXElement toXML​(RXArchiver anArchiver)
      XML Archival.
      RMObject undoClone()
      Undo support.
      void undoCopy​(RMObject anObj)
      Undo support.
      boolean undoEquals​(RMObject anObj)
      Undo support.
      void undoerAddDirtyObject​(RMObject anObj)
      Undoer convenience - tells undoer to add a dirty object.
      void undoerDisable()
      Undoer convenience - disable the undoer.
      void undoerEnable()
      Undoer convenience - enables the undoer.
      void undoerSetUndoTitle​(java.lang.String aTitle)
      Undoer convenience - sets title of next registered undo.
      float width()
      Returns raw width of shape.
      void willChange()
      Change notification - call before making attribute changes (provides hook for undo support).
      void willChange​(RMShape s)
      Change notification - call before making attribute changes (provides hook for undo support).
      float x()
      Returns raw x location of shape.
      float y()
      Returns raw y location of shape.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • RMShape

        public RMShape()
        Creates a plain shape.
      • RMShape

        public RMShape​(RMShape aShape)
        Creates a shape with the same basic attributes as the given shape.
    • Method Detail

      • x

        public float x()
        Returns raw x location of shape. Developers should use the more common getX, which presents positive x.
      • y

        public float y()
        Returns raw y location of shape. Developers should use the more common getY, which presents positive y.
      • width

        public float width()
        Returns raw width of shape. Developers should use the more common getWidth, which presents positive width.
      • height

        public float height()
        Returns raw height of shape. Developers should use the more common getHeight, which presents positive height.
      • bounds

        public RMRect bounds()
        Returns raw x, y, width and height of shape as rect (preserves possible negative sizes).
      • getX

        public float getX()
        Returns the X location of the shape.
      • setX

        public void setX​(double x)
        Sets the X location of the shape.
      • getY

        public float getY()
        Returns the Y location of the shape.
      • setY

        public void setY​(double y)
        Sets the Y location of the shape.
      • getWidth

        public float getWidth()
        Returns the width of the shape.
      • setWidth

        public void setWidth​(double aWidth)
        Sets the width of the shape.
      • getHeight

        public float getHeight()
        Returns the height of the shape.
      • setHeight

        public void setHeight​(double aHeight)
        Sets the height of the shape.
      • getMaxX

        public float getMaxX()
        Returns the max X of the shape (assumes not rotated, scaled or skewed).
      • getMaxY

        public float getMaxY()
        Returns the max Y of the shape (assumes not rotated, scaled or skewed).
      • getXY

        public RMPoint getXY()
        Returns the XY location of the shape as a point.
      • setXY

        public void setXY​(java.awt.geom.Point2D aPoint)
        Sets the X and Y location of the shape to the given point (convenience).
      • setXY

        public void setXY​(double x,
                          double y)
        Sets the X and Y location of the shape to the given point (convenience).
      • getSize

        public RMSize getSize()
        Returns the size of the shape.
      • setSize

        public void setSize​(RMSize aSize)
        Sets the size of the shape.
      • setSize

        public void setSize​(double width,
                            double height)
        Sets the size of the shape.
      • getBounds

        public RMRect getBounds()
        Returns the X, Y, width and height of the shape as a rect (use getFrame if shape has roll/scale/skew).
      • setBounds

        public void setBounds​(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D aRect)
        Sets X, Y, width and height of shape to dimensions in given rect.
      • setBounds

        public void setBounds​(double x,
                              double y,
                              double w,
                              double h)
        Sets X, Y, width and height of shape to given dimensions.
      • getBoundsInside

        public RMRect getBoundsInside()
        Returns the bounds of the shape in the shape's own coords.
      • offsetXY

        public void offsetXY​(double dx,
                             double dy)
        Offsets the X and Y location of the shape by the given dx & dy amount (convenience).
      • getXYP

        public RMPoint getXYP()
        Returns the origin point of the shape in parent's coords.
      • setXYP

        public void setXYP​(float x,
                           float y)
        Sets the origin point of the shape to the given X and Y in parent's coords.
      • getSizeP

        public RMSize getSizeP()
        Returns the size of the shape in parent coords.
      • setSizeP

        public void setSizeP​(double w,
                             double h)
        Sets the size of the shape to the given width and height in parent's coords.
      • getFrame

        public RMRect getFrame()
        Returns the rect in parent coords that fully encloses the shape.
      • setFrame

        public void setFrame​(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D aRect)
        Sets the bounds of the shape such that it exacly fits in the given parent coord rect.
      • setFrame

        public void setFrame​(double x,
                             double y,
                             double w,
                             double h)
        Sets the bounds of the shape such that it exacly fits in the given parent coord rect.
      • getFrameX

        public float getFrameX()
        Returns the X of the rect that fully encloses the shape in parent coords.
      • setFrameX

        public void setFrameX​(double x)
        Sets a shape's X such that its bounds rect (in parent coords) has origin at the given X.
      • getFrameY

        public float getFrameY()
        Returns the Y of the rect that fully encloses the shape in parent coords.
      • setFrameY

        public void setFrameY​(double y)
        Sets a shape's Y such that its bounds rect (in parent coords) has origin at the given Y.
      • getFrameXY

        public RMPoint getFrameXY()
        Returns the origin of the shape's bounds rect in parent coords.
      • setFrameXY

        public void setFrameXY​(RMPoint aPoint)
        Sets a shape's origin such that its bounds rect (in parent coords) has origin at the given point.
      • setFrameXY

        public void setFrameXY​(double x,
                               double y)
        Sets a shape's origin such that its frame (enclosing rect in parent coords) will have the given X and Y.
      • setFrameSize

        public void setFrameSize​(double w,
                                 double h)
        Sets a shape's size such that its frame (enclosing rect in parent coords) will have the given width and height.
      • getFrameMaxX

        public float getFrameMaxX()
        Returns the max X of the shape's frame.
      • getFrameMaxY

        public float getFrameMaxY()
        Returns the max Y of the shape's frame.
      • getFrame

        public RMRect getFrame​(RMShape aShape)
        Returns the rect that fully encloses the receiver in the given shape's coords.
      • getRoll

        public float getRoll()
        Returns the roll of the shape.
      • setRoll

        public void setRoll​(float aValue)
        Sets the roll of the shape.
      • getScaleX

        public float getScaleX()
        Returns the scale of the X axis of the shape.
      • setScaleX

        public void setScaleX​(float aValue)
        Sets the scale of the X axis of the shape.
      • getScaleY

        public float getScaleY()
        Returns the scale of the Y axis of the shape.
      • setScaleY

        public void setScaleY​(float aValue)
        Sets the scale of the Y axis of the shape.
      • setScaleXY

        public void setScaleXY​(float sx,
                               float sy)
        Sets the scale of the X and Y axis.
      • getSkewX

        public float getSkewX()
        Returns the skew of the X axis of the shape.
      • setSkewX

        public void setSkewX​(float aValue)
        Sets the skew of the X axis of the shape.
      • getSkewY

        public float getSkewY()
        Returns the skew of the Y axis of the shape.
      • setSkewY

        public void setSkewY​(float aValue)
        Sets the skew of the Y axis of the shape.
      • setSkewXY

        public void setSkewXY​(float skx,
                              float sky)
        Sets the skew of the X and Y axis.
      • notRSS

        public boolean notRSS()
        Returns whether the shape has been rotated, scaled or skewed (for efficientency).
      • getFillCount

        public int getFillCount()
        Returns the number of fills associated with this shape.
      • getFill

        public RMFill getFill​(int anIndex)
        Returns the specific fill at the given index.
      • getFill

        public RMFill getFill​(java.lang.Class aClass)
        Returns the specific fill with the given class.
      • getFills

        public java.util.List getFills()
        Returns this list of fills - a special list that can be operated on directly.
      • getFill

        public RMFill getFill()
        Returns the fill for this shape.
      • setFill

        public void setFill​(RMFill aFill)
        Sets the fill for this shape.
      • getStroke

        public RMStroke getStroke()
        Returns the stroke for this shape.
      • setStroke

        public void setStroke​(RMStroke aStroke)
        Sets the stroke for this shape, with an option to turn on drawsStroke.
      • getColor

        public RMColor getColor()
        Returns the color of the shape.
      • setColor

        public void setColor​(RMColor aColor)
        Sets the color of the shape.
      • getStrokeColor

        public RMColor getStrokeColor()
        Returns the stroke color of the shape.
      • setStrokeColor

        public void setStrokeColor​(RMColor aColor)
        Sets the stroke color of the shape.
      • getLineWidth

        public float getLineWidth()
        Returns the line width of the shape's stroke in printer points.
      • setLineWidth

        public void setLineWidth​(float aValue)
        Sets the line width of the shape's stroke in printer points.
      • getOpacity

        public float getOpacity()
        Returns the opactiy of the shape (1 for opaque, 0 for transparent).
      • setOpacity

        public void setOpacity​(float aValue)
        Sets the opactiy of the shape (1 for opaque, 0 for transparent).
      • getOpacityDeep

        public float getOpacityDeep()
        Returns the combined opacity of this shape and its parent.
      • getImageFill

        public RMImageFill getImageFill()
        Returns the imageFill for this shape (or null, if fill isn't an RMImageFill).
      • getTextColor

        public RMColor getTextColor()
        Returns the text color for the shape.
      • setTextColor

        public void setTextColor​(RMColor aColor)
        Sets the text color for the shape.
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Returns the name for the shape.
      • setName

        public void setName​(java.lang.String aName)
        Sets the name for the shape.
      • getUrl

        public java.lang.String getUrl()
        Sets the URL for the shape.
      • setUrl

        public void setUrl​(java.lang.String aUrl)
        Returns the URL for the shape.
      • isLocked

        public boolean isLocked()
        Returns the locked state of the shape (really just to prevent location/size changes in the editor).
      • setLocked

        public void setLocked​(boolean aValue)
        Sets the locked state of the shape (really just to prevent location/size changes in the editor).
      • getCausesWrap

        public boolean getCausesWrap()
        Returns whether this shape causes text wrap.
      • getCausesWrapType

        public byte getCausesWrapType()
        Returns how this shape causes text wrap.
      • setCausesWrapType

        public void setCausesWrapType​(byte aType)
        Sets how this shape causes text wrap.
      • getPropertyKeyCount

        public int getPropertyKeyCount()
        Returns the number of property keys (like IsVisible, FillColor, StrokeColor, Width, etc.)
      • getPropertyKeyName

        public java.lang.String getPropertyKeyName​(int anIndex)
        Returns the specific settable property key name at the given index.
      • getPropertyKey

        public java.lang.String getPropertyKey​(java.lang.String aName)
        Returns the specific property key for the given property name.
      • putPropertyKey

        public void putPropertyKey​(java.lang.String aName,
                                   java.lang.String aKey)
        Puts the specific property key for the given property name.
      • getAnim

        public RMShapeAnim getAnim()
        Returns the collection of animation records for this shape.
      • getAnim

        public RMShapeAnim getAnim​(boolean create)
        Returns the collection of animation records for this shape, with an option to create if absent.
      • setAnim

        public void setAnim​(RMShapeAnim anAnim)
        Sets the collection of animation records for this shape.
      • setTime

        public void setTime​(float aTime)
        Tells the shape's anim records to update the shape to the given time. Recurses to shape children.
      • getActionScript

        public java.lang.String getActionScript()
        Sets the ActionScript for the shape.
      • setActionScript

        public void setActionScript​(java.lang.String aString)
        Returns the ActionScript for the shape.
      • get

        public java.lang.Object get​(java.lang.String aName)
        Returns the Object associated with the given name for the shape.
      • put

        public void put​(java.lang.String aName,
                        java.lang.Object anObj)
        Sets an Object to be associated with the given name for the shape.
      • getFont

        public RMFont getFont()
        Returns the font for the shape.
      • setFont

        public void setFont​(RMFont aFont)
        Sets the font for the shape.
      • isUnderlined

        public boolean isUnderlined()
        Returns whether the shape is underlined.
      • setUnderlined

        public void setUnderlined​(boolean aFlag)
        Sets the shape to underline.
      • getOutline

        public RMXString.Outline getOutline()
        Returns the outline for the shape.
      • setOutline

        public void setOutline​(RMXString.Outline anOutline)
        Sets the outline for the shape.
      • getFormat

        public RMFormat getFormat()
        Returns the format for the shape.
      • setFormat

        public void setFormat​(RMFormat aFormat)
        Sets the format for the shape.
      • acceptsFormat

        public boolean acceptsFormat()
        Returns whether the shape can accept a format.
      • getAutosizing

        public java.lang.String getAutosizing()
        Returns the autosizing settings as a string with hyphens for struts and tilde for sprints (horiz,vert).
      • setAutosizing

        public void setAutosizing​(java.lang.String aVal)
        Sets the autosizing settings as a string with hyphens for struts and tilde for sprints (horiz,vert).
      • getAutosizeHeight

        public boolean getAutosizeHeight()
        Returns whether the shape's height is set automatically to its ideal height during report generation.
      • setAutosizeHeight

        public void setAutosizeHeight​(boolean aValue)
        Sets whether the shape's height is set automatically to its ideal height during report generation.
      • getPath

        public RMPath getPath()
        Returns the shape's path.
      • getPathInBounds

        public RMPath getPathInBounds()
        Returns the shape's path scaled to the shape's current bounds.
      • setWidthDeep

        public void setWidthDeep​(float w)
        Sets the width of this shape and its children (proportionally using their autosizing).
      • setWidthDeep

        public void setWidthDeep​(float w,
                                 boolean c)
        Sets the width of this shape and its children (proportionally using their autosizing).
      • setHeightDeep

        public void setHeightDeep​(float h)
        Sets the height of this shape and its children (proportionally using their autosizing).
      • setHeightDeep

        public void setHeightDeep​(float h,
                                  boolean c)
        Sets the height of this shape and its children (proportionally using their autosizing).
      • setSizeDeep

        public void setSizeDeep​(float aWidth,
                                float aHeight)
        Sets the size of this shape and its children (proportionally using their autosizing).
      • getBoundsOfChildren

        public RMRect getBoundsOfChildren()
        Returns bounds of all children of this shape, which can sometimes differ from this shapes bounds.
      • getBoundsOfChildren

        public RMRect getBoundsOfChildren​(java.util.List aList)
        Returns the bounds of a given subset of this shape's children.
      • getBoundsSuperSelected

        public RMRect getBoundsSuperSelected()
        Returns the bounds of the shape in parect coords when super selected (same as getBoundsMarked by default).
      • getBoundsMarked

        public RMRect getBoundsMarked()
        Returns the bounds of the path associated with this shape in parent coords, ajusted to account for stroke width.
      • getParent

        public RMShape getParent()
        Returns the parent of this shape.
      • setParent

        public void setParent​(RMShape aShape)
        Sets the parent of this shape (called automatically by addChild()).
      • getParents

        public java.util.List getParents()
        Returns a list of this shape's parent, and that shape's parent, up to document.
      • getParentCount

        public int getParentCount()
        Returns the number of ancestors (from this shape's parent up to the document).
      • getChildCount

        public int getChildCount()
        Returns the number of children associated with this shape.
      • getChild

        public RMShape getChild​(int anIndex)
        Returns the child at the given index.
      • getChildLast

        public RMShape getChildLast()
        Returns the last child of this shape.
      • getChildren

        public java.util.List getChildren()
        Returns the list of children associated with this shape.
      • getChildSortedByX

        public RMShape getChildSortedByX​(int anIndex)
        Returns the child at a given index, ordered by X (left-to-right) order
      • setChildren

        public void setChildren​(java.util.List aList)
        Sets the list of children associated with this shape.
      • reclaimChildren

        public void reclaimChildren()
        Ensures that children associated with this shape know who's their daddy.
      • indexOf

        public int indexOf()
        Returns the index of this child in its parent.
      • indexOf

        public int indexOf​(RMShape aChild)
        Returns the index of the given child in this shape's children list.
      • addChild

        public void addChild​(RMShape aChild)
        Adds the given child to the end of this shape's children list.
      • addChild

        public void addChild​(RMShape aChild,
                             int anIndex)
        Adds the given child to this shape's children list at the given index.
      • addChildBelowLastChild

        public void addChildBelowLastChild​(RMShape aChild)
        Adds the given child to the end of this shape's children list at a y position just below previously last child.
      • removeChild

        public void removeChild​(RMShape aChild)
        Removes the given child from this shape's children list.
      • removeChild

        public void removeChild​(int anIndex)
        Remove's the child at the given index from this shape's children list.
      • removeChildren

        public void removeChildren()
        Removes all children from this shape.
      • removeChildren

        public void removeChildren​(java.util.List l)
        Removes the given list of children from this shape.
      • removeFromParent

        public void removeFromParent()
        Removes this shape from it's parent.
      • delete

        public void delete()
        Called when a shape is removed from a shape heirarchy.
      • getChildWithName

        public RMShape getChildWithName​(java.lang.String aName)
        Returns first child found with the given name (called recursively on children if not found at current level).
      • getChildWithClass

        public RMShape getChildWithClass​(java.lang.Class aClass)
        Returns first child found with the given class (called recursively on children if not found at current level).
      • offsetChildrenXY

        public void offsetChildrenXY​(float dx,
                                     float dy)
        Offsets this shape's children by the given dx, dy.
      • getRootShape

        public RMShape getRootShape()
        Returns the top level shape (usually an RMDocument).
      • getDocument

        public RMDocument getDocument()
        Returns the RMDocument ancestor of this shape (or null if not there).
      • getPageShape

        public RMShape getPageShape()
        Returns the RMPage ancestor of this shape (or null if not there).
      • getUndoer

        public RMUndoer getUndoer()
        Returns the undoer for this shape (or null if not there).
      • undoerSetUndoTitle

        public void undoerSetUndoTitle​(java.lang.String aTitle)
        Undoer convenience - sets title of next registered undo.
      • undoerDisable

        public void undoerDisable()
        Undoer convenience - disable the undoer.
      • undoerEnable

        public void undoerEnable()
        Undoer convenience - enables the undoer.
      • undoerAddDirtyObject

        public void undoerAddDirtyObject​(RMObject anObj)
        Undoer convenience - tells undoer to add a dirty object.
      • isRoot

        public boolean isRoot()
        Editor method - returns whether this shape is at the top level (usually RMPage).
      • isAncestor

        public boolean isAncestor​(RMShape aShape)
        Returns true if given shape is one of this shape's ancestors.
      • isDescendant

        public boolean isDescendant​(RMShape aShape)
        Returns true if given shape is one of this shape's descendants.
      • getCommonAncestor

        public RMShape getCommonAncestor​(RMShape aShape)
        Returns first ancestor that the given shape and this shape have in common.
      • getShapesToDescendant

        public java.util.List getShapesToDescendant​(RMShape aShape)
        Returns a list of shape's from this shape to given desendant.
      • getShapesToAncestor

        public java.util.List getShapesToAncestor​(RMShape shape)
        Returns a list of shapes from this shape to a given ancestor.
      • getShapesToShape

        public java.util.List getShapesToShape​(RMShape aShape)
        Returns a list of shapes from this shape to given shape.
      • getTransform

        public RMTransform getTransform()
        Returns the transform to this shape from its parent.
      • getTransformInverse

        public RMTransform getTransformInverse()
        Returns the transform from this shape to it's parent.
      • getTransformToShape

        public RMTransform getTransformToShape​(RMShape aShape)
        Returns the transform from this shape to the given shape.
      • getTransformFromShape

        public RMTransform getTransformFromShape​(RMShape aShape)
        Returns the transform from the given shape to this shape.
      • convertPointToShape

        public RMPoint convertPointToShape​(RMPoint point,
                                           RMShape shape)
        Converts the given point to the given shape's coords (returns it for convenience).
      • convertPointFromShape

        public RMPoint convertPointFromShape​(RMPoint point,
                                             RMShape shape)
        Converts the given point to the given shape's coords (returns it for convenience).
      • convertVectorToShape

        public RMSize convertVectorToShape​(RMSize size,
                                           RMShape shape)
        Converts the given size (as a vector) to the given shape's coords (returns it for convenience).
      • convertVectorFromShape

        public RMSize convertVectorFromShape​(RMSize size,
                                             RMShape shape)
        Converts the given size (as a vector) from the given shape's coords (returns it for convenience).
      • convertSizeToShape

        public RMSize convertSizeToShape​(RMSize size,
                                         RMShape shape)
        Converts the given size to the given shape's coords (returns it for convenience).
      • convertSizeFromShape

        public RMSize convertSizeFromShape​(RMSize size,
                                           RMShape shape)
        Converts the given size from the given shape's coords (returns it for convenience).
      • convertRectToShape

        public RMRect convertRectToShape​(RMRect rect,
                                         RMShape shape)
        Converts the given rect to the given shape's coords (returns it for convenience).
      • convertRectFromShape

        public RMRect convertRectFromShape​(RMRect rect,
                                           RMShape shape)
        Converts the given rect from the given shape's coords (returns it for convenience).
      • convertedPointToShape

        public RMPoint convertedPointToShape​(RMPoint aPoint,
                                             RMShape aShape)
        Returns the given point converted to the given shape's coords.
      • convertedPointFromShape

        public RMPoint convertedPointFromShape​(RMPoint aPoint,
                                               RMShape aShape)
        Returns the given point converted from the given shape's coords.
      • convertedVectorToShape

        public RMSize convertedVectorToShape​(RMSize aSize,
                                             RMShape aShape)
        Returns the given size converted to the given shape's coords and normalized.
      • convertedVectorFromShape

        public RMSize convertedVectorFromShape​(RMSize aSize,
                                               RMShape aShape)
        Returns the given size converted from the given shape's coords and normalized.
      • convertedSizeToShape

        public RMSize convertedSizeToShape​(RMSize aSize,
                                           RMShape aShape)
        Returns the given size converted to the given shape's coords.
      • convertedSizeFromShape

        public RMSize convertedSizeFromShape​(RMSize aSize,
                                             RMShape aShape)
        Returns the given size converted from the given shape's coords.
      • convertedRectToShape

        public RMRect convertedRectToShape​(RMRect aRect,
                                           RMShape aShape)
        Returns the rect encompassing the given rect converted to the given shape's coords.
      • convertedRectFromShape

        public RMRect convertedRectFromShape​(RMRect aRect,
                                             RMShape aShape)
        Returns the rect encompassing the given rect converted from the given shape's coords.
      • convertPathToShape

        public RMPath convertPathToShape​(RMPath aPath,
                                         RMShape aShape)
        Returns the given path converted to the given shape's coords.
      • convertPathFromShape

        public RMPath convertPathFromShape​(RMPath aPath,
                                           RMShape aShape)
        Returns the given path converted from the given shape's coords.
      • convertToShape

        public void convertToShape​(RMShape aShape)
        Transforms the given shape to this shape's coords.
      • convertFromShape

        public void convertFromShape​(RMShape aShape)
        Transforms the given shape from this shape's coords.
      • getWidthToFit

        public float getWidthToFit()
        Returns the ideal width of this shape to accommodate its contents (just the current width for most shapes).
      • setWidthToFit

        public void setWidthToFit()
        Sets the shape to its getWidthToFit (which is just the current width for most shapes).
      • getHeightToFit

        public float getHeightToFit()
        Returns the ideal height of this shape to accommodate its contents (just the current height for most shapes).
      • setHeightToFit

        public void setHeightToFit()
        Sets the shape to its getHeightToFit (which is just the current height for most shapes).
      • setSizeToFit

        public void setSizeToFit()
        Sets the shape to its ideal size from getWidthToFit and getHeightToFit.
      • setSizeToFit

        public void setSizeToFit​(float maxWidth,
                                 float maxHeight)
        This convenience method sets the shape to its ideal size from getWidthToFit and getHeightToFit, allowing you to additionally specify a maxWidth and maxHeight.
      • divideShapeFromEdge

        public RMShape divideShapeFromEdge​(float amount,
                                           byte edge,
                                           RMShape newShape)
        Divides the shape by a given amount from the given edge. Returns newShape (or, if null, a clone) whose bounds have been set to the remainder.
      • divideShapeFromTop

        public RMShape divideShapeFromTop​(float amount)
        Divides the shape by a given amount from the top. Returns a clone of the given shape with bounds set to the remainder. Divies children among the two shapes (recursively calling divide shape for those stradling).
      • getAnimator

        public RMAnimator getAnimator()
        Returns the animator that this shape registers changes with.
      • getAnimator

        public RMAnimator getAnimator​(boolean create)
        Returns the animator that this shape registers changes with (creating, if requested and currently null).
      • getChildAnimator

        public RMAnimator getChildAnimator()
        Returns the animator that this shape's children use.
      • getChildAnimator

        public RMAnimator getChildAnimator​(boolean create)
        Returns the animator that this shape's children use (creating, if requested and currently null). The base implementation passes request onto ancestors, but some subclasses create and manage one (RMPage, RMSwitchShape).
      • acceptsMouse

        public boolean acceptsMouse()
        Viewer method.
      • mousePressed

        public void mousePressed​(RMViewer aViewer,
                                 java.awt.event.MouseEvent anEvent)
        Viewer method.
      • mouseDragged

        public void mouseDragged​(RMViewer aViewer,
                                 java.awt.event.MouseEvent anEvent)
        Viewer method.
      • mouseReleased

        public void mouseReleased​(RMViewer aViewer,
                                  java.awt.event.MouseEvent anEvent)
        Viewer method.
      • mouseEntered

        public void mouseEntered​(RMViewer aViewer,
                                 java.awt.event.MouseEvent anEvent)
        Viewer method.
      • mouseMoved

        public void mouseMoved​(RMViewer aViewer,
                               java.awt.event.MouseEvent anEvent)
        Viewer method.
      • mouseExited

        public void mouseExited​(RMViewer aViewer,
                                java.awt.event.MouseEvent anEvent)
        Viewer method.
      • rpgClone

        public RMShape rpgClone​(ReportMill rm)
        A clone implementation that copies this shape and its children, performing data substituion as well.
      • rpgCloneBase

        public java.lang.Object rpgCloneBase()
        An rpgClone hook to provide the basic rpgClone (default implementation just calls Object clone).
      • rpgCloneUrl

        public void rpgCloneUrl​(ReportMill aReportMill,
                                RMShape rpgClone)
        An rpgClone hook to clone a shape's URL with data substitution.
      • rpgCloneChildren

        public void rpgCloneChildren​(ReportMill rm,
                                     RMShape copy)
        An rpgClone hook to rpgClone a shape's children.
      • rpgCloneNotification

        public void rpgCloneNotification​(ReportMill aReportMill,
                                         RMShape copy)
        An rpgClone hook to call ReportMill's rpgClone notification, if shape is named.
      • rpgClonePreprocess

        public void rpgClonePreprocess​(ReportMill rm)
        An rpgClone hook called by RMDocument on all children before anything else.
      • rpgClonePrepare

        public void rpgClonePrepare​(ReportMill rm)
        An rpgClone hook called by RMDocument before this shape's page is rpgCloned.
      • rpgCloneConclude

        public void rpgCloneConclude​(ReportMill rm)
        An rpgClone hook called by RMDocument after this shape's page is rpgCloned.
      • resolvePageReferences

        public void resolvePageReferences​(ReportMill rm,
                                          java.lang.Object userInfo)
        Replaces all @Page@ style keys with their actual values for this shape and it's children.
      • getPageCount

        public int getPageCount()
        Returns the number of pages associated with this shape. This is generally zero, except for RMDocument's implementation. Additionally, transient RPG objects use this to declare if they have paginated themselves over multiple pages during rpgCloning.
      • getListKey

        public java.lang.String getListKey()
        Returns the "List Key" associated with this shape. A List Key is a key path that specifies a specific list of objects in the document's datasource.
      • setListKey

        public void setListKey​(java.lang.String aKeyPath)
        Sets the List Key associated with this shape. Not all shapes support this (only List Key shapes, like table, graph, crosstab and labels). In fact this default implementation does nothing.
      • getListKeyDeep

        public java.lang.String getListKeyDeep()
        Returns the concatenated list keys of this shape and its parents (useful for nested list key shapes.
      • getListKeyShape

        public RMShape getListKeyShape()
        Returns the real shape used to resolve the list key for this shape. This seems bogus - might go soon.
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(RMPoint aPoint)
        Returns whether this shape is hit by the point, given in this shape's parent's coords.
      • intersects

        public boolean intersects​(RMPath aPath)
        Returns whether this shape is hit by the path, given in this shape's parent's coords.
      • getChildContaining

        public RMShape getChildContaining​(RMPoint aPoint)
        Returns the first (top) shape hit by the point given in this shape's coords.
      • getChildrenIntersecting

        public java.util.List getChildrenIntersecting​(RMPath aPath)
        Returns the child shapes hit by the path given in this shape's coords.
      • bringShapesToFront

        public void bringShapesToFront​(java.util.List shapes)
        Moves the subset of children in the given list to the front of the children list.
      • sendShapesToBack

        public void sendShapesToBack​(java.util.List shapes)
        Moves the subset of children in the given list to the back of the children list.
      • groupShapes

        public RMShape groupShapes​(java.util.List shapes,
                                   RMShape groupShape)
        Adds the subset of children in given list into a given group shape, which is then added back to receiver.
      • getGroupShape

        public RMShape getGroupShape​(java.util.List shapes)
        Returns a newly created RMShape whose bounds has been set to the combined bounds of the subset of children in the given list.
      • getChildrenWhoHitTest

        public java.util.List getChildrenWhoHitTest()
        Returns the subset of children that should be used for hit detection (useful for implementing page layering).
      • getChildrenWhoDraw

        public java.util.List getChildrenWhoDraw()
        Returns the subset of children that should be drawn (useful for implementing page layering).
      • getChildrenWhoCauseWrap

        public java.util.List getChildrenWhoCauseWrap​(RMShape aPeer)
        Returns the subset of children that cause wrap.
      • clone

        public java.lang.Object clone()
        Standard implementation of Object clone. Null's out shape's parent and children.
        clone in class RMObject
      • cloneDeep

        public RMShape cloneDeep()
        Clones all attributes of this shape with complete clones of its children as well.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object anObj)
        Standard implementation of Object equals.
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • copy

        public void copy​(java.lang.Object anObj)
        Copies all the attributes of the given object that are in common with this object.
        copy in class RMObject
      • copyShape

        public void copyShape​(RMShape aShape)
        Copies basic shape attributes from given RMShape (location, size, fill, stroke, roll, scale, name, url, etc.).
      • fromXML

        public java.lang.Object fromXML​(RXArchiver anArchiver,
                                        RXElement anElement)
        XML unarchival.
      • fromXMLDeep

        public void fromXMLDeep​(RXArchiver anArchiver,
                                RXElement anElement)
        XML unarchival for shape children
      • willChange

        public void willChange()
        Change notification - call before making attribute changes (provides hook for undo support).
      • willChange

        public void willChange​(RMShape s)
        Change notification - call before making attribute changes (provides hook for undo support).
      • setNeedsRepaint

        public void setNeedsRepaint()
        Visual change notification - call before making changes that will require repaint.
      • setNeedsRepaint

        public void setNeedsRepaint​(RMShape aShape)
        Visual change notification - call before making changes that will require repaint.
      • boundsChanged

        public void boundsChanged()
        Notifies a shape and its parents that its bounds changed.
      • boundsChanged

        public void boundsChanged​(RMShape aShape)
        Notifies this shape that a given shape's bounds have changed (presumably a descendant).
      • getToolClassName

        public java.lang.String getToolClassName()
        Editor method - returns the tool class name for this shape.
      • canBeUngrouped

        public boolean canBeUngrouped()
        Editor method.
      • acceptsChildren

        public boolean acceptsChildren()
        Editor method.
      • sizesToFitChildren

        public boolean sizesToFitChildren()
        Editor method.
      • superSelectable

        public boolean superSelectable()
        Editor method - indicates whether this shape can be super selected.
      • childrenSuperSelectImmediately

        public boolean childrenSuperSelectImmediately()
        Editor method.
      • acceptsDragKeys

        public boolean acceptsDragKeys()
        Editor method.
      • dragKeyAtPoint

        public void dragKeyAtPoint​(java.lang.String aKey,
                                   RMPoint aPoint)
        Editor method.
      • dropKeyAtPoint

        public void dropKeyAtPoint​(java.lang.String aKey,
                                   RMPoint aPoint)
        Editor method.
      • dragExit

        public void dragExit()
        Editor method.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Standard to string implementation (prints class name and shape bounds).
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • page

        public int page()
        Page number resolution.
      • pageMax

        public int pageMax()
        Page number resolution.
      • pageBreakMax

        public int pageBreakMax()
        Page number resolution.
      • pageBreakPageMax

        public int pageBreakPageMax()
        Page number resolution.
      • hasPageBreaks

        public boolean hasPageBreaks()
        Page number resolution.