Class RMGroup

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  RMGroup.Running
      This RMGroup subclass/inner-class represents a subset of a group up to the given endGroup.
    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class java.util.AbstractList

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Creates an empty group.
      RMGroup​(java.lang.Object obj, RMGroup aGroup)
      Creates a leaf group for the given object and parent group.
      RMGroup​(java.util.List aList)
      Creates a group with the (assumed) list of groups.
      RMGroup​(java.util.List aList, RMGrouper aGrouper)
      Creates a group by grouping the objects in the given list by the groupings in the given grouper.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addStubGroupsAtLevel​(int aLevel, java.util.List[] allValues, boolean includeNulls)
      Make sure allValues are represented at aLevel (add empty value-group for missing values) Currently assumes that children are sorted by allValues.
      boolean childrenAreLeafs()
      Returns whether children of this group are leafs.
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)  
      java.util.List[] getAllDistinctValuesAtLevel​(int aLevel, java.lang.Object nullValue, java.util.List[] allValues)
      Returns two lists - (1) all distinct values at a given group level and (2) a sample group for each value.
      RMGroup getGroup​(int anIndex)
      Returns the sub-group at the given index.
      RMGroup getGroupLast()
      Returns the last sub-group.
      java.lang.String getKey()
      Returns the key associated with this group.
      static java.lang.String getKey​(java.util.List l)
      Returns the key for the given List if it is an RMGroup instance.
      RMGroup getMaster()
      Returns the master for this group (generally a leaf from another RMGroup hierarchy).
      RMGroup getNextPeer()
      Returns the next group which is a peer to this one.
      RMGroup getParent()
      Returns the parent for this group.
      int getParentCount()
      Returns the number of parents that this group has.
      RMGroup getParentOrMaster()
      Returns the parent or master for this group.
      RMTable getTable()
      Returns the table associated with this group.
      int index()
      Returns the index of this group in its parent.
      boolean isLeaf()
      Returns whether this group is a leaf group.
      static boolean isLeaf​(java.util.List l)
      Returns whether the given List is an RMGroup instance that also isLeaf.
      boolean isTopNOthers()
      Returns whether this group is made up of the remainders from a TopN sort.
      void setMaster​(RMGroup aGroup)
      Sets the master for this group.
      void setTable​(RMTable aTable)
      Sets the table associated with this group.
      void setTopNOthers​(boolean aFlag)
      Sets whether this group is made up of the remainders from a TopN sort.
      void sortBySortsInGrouper​(RMGrouper aGrouper)
      Sorts the group byte the sorts listed in the grouper (recursively).
      RMGroup subgroup​(int start, int end)
      Returns a subset of this group from start index, inclusive, to end index, exclusive.
      RMGroup subgroup​(RMGroup startGroup, RMGroup endGroup)
      Returns a subset of this group, running deep, which only includes the subset of the tree starting at startGroup and ending at (but not including) endGroup.
      void topN​(int count, RMSort aSort, boolean includeOthers)
      Performs top N sort on group for an individual sort.
      void topNWithGrouper​(RMGrouper aGrouper)
      Performs Top N sort on group for a grouper.
      void turnObjectsIntoLeafs()
      Turns all list objects into leaf groups.
      java.lang.Object valueForKey​(java.lang.String aKey)
      Custom implementation of valueForKey to handle group heritage keys.
      java.lang.Object valueForKeyChain​(java.lang.Object aKeyChain)
      Custom implementation of valueForKeyChain to handle top N groups.
      • Methods inherited from class java.util.ArrayList

        add, add, addAll, addAll, clear, clone, contains, ensureCapacity, forEach, get, hashCode, indexOf, isEmpty, iterator, lastIndexOf, listIterator, listIterator, remove, remove, removeAll, removeIf, removeRange, replaceAll, retainAll, set, size, sort, spliterator, subList, toArray, toArray, trimToSize
      • Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractCollection

        containsAll, toString
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
      • Methods inherited from interface java.util.Collection

        parallelStream, stream, toArray
      • Methods inherited from interface java.util.List

    • Constructor Detail

      • RMGroup

        public RMGroup()
        Creates an empty group.
      • RMGroup

        public RMGroup​(java.util.List aList)
        Creates a group with the (assumed) list of groups.
      • RMGroup

        public RMGroup​(java.lang.Object obj,
                       RMGroup aGroup)
        Creates a leaf group for the given object and parent group.
      • RMGroup

        public RMGroup​(java.util.List aList,
                       RMGrouper aGrouper)
        Creates a group by grouping the objects in the given list by the groupings in the given grouper.
    • Method Detail

      • getKey

        public java.lang.String getKey()
        Returns the key associated with this group.
      • getKey

        public static java.lang.String getKey​(java.util.List l)
        Returns the key for the given List if it is an RMGroup instance.
      • getParent

        public RMGroup getParent()
        Returns the parent for this group.
      • getParentCount

        public int getParentCount()
        Returns the number of parents that this group has.
      • getMaster

        public RMGroup getMaster()
        Returns the master for this group (generally a leaf from another RMGroup hierarchy).
      • setMaster

        public void setMaster​(RMGroup aGroup)
        Sets the master for this group.
      • getParentOrMaster

        public RMGroup getParentOrMaster()
        Returns the parent or master for this group.
      • getTable

        public RMTable getTable()
        Returns the table associated with this group.
      • setTable

        public void setTable​(RMTable aTable)
        Sets the table associated with this group.
      • isLeaf

        public boolean isLeaf()
        Returns whether this group is a leaf group.
      • isLeaf

        public static boolean isLeaf​(java.util.List l)
        Returns whether the given List is an RMGroup instance that also isLeaf.
      • isTopNOthers

        public boolean isTopNOthers()
        Returns whether this group is made up of the remainders from a TopN sort.
      • setTopNOthers

        public void setTopNOthers​(boolean aFlag)
        Sets whether this group is made up of the remainders from a TopN sort.
      • index

        public int index()
        Returns the index of this group in its parent.
      • getGroup

        public RMGroup getGroup​(int anIndex)
        Returns the sub-group at the given index.
      • getGroupLast

        public RMGroup getGroupLast()
        Returns the last sub-group.
      • getNextPeer

        public RMGroup getNextPeer()
        Returns the next group which is a peer to this one.
      • childrenAreLeafs

        public boolean childrenAreLeafs()
        Returns whether children of this group are leafs.
      • subgroup

        public RMGroup subgroup​(int start,
                                int end)
        Returns a subset of this group from start index, inclusive, to end index, exclusive.
      • subgroup

        public RMGroup subgroup​(RMGroup startGroup,
                                RMGroup endGroup)
        Returns a subset of this group, running deep, which only includes the subset of the tree starting at startGroup and ending at (but not including) endGroup.
      • topNWithGrouper

        public void topNWithGrouper​(RMGrouper aGrouper)
        Performs Top N sort on group for a grouper.
      • topN

        public void topN​(int count,
                         RMSort aSort,
                         boolean includeOthers)
        Performs top N sort on group for an individual sort.
      • sortBySortsInGrouper

        public void sortBySortsInGrouper​(RMGrouper aGrouper)
        Sorts the group byte the sorts listed in the grouper (recursively).
      • addStubGroupsAtLevel

        public void addStubGroupsAtLevel​(int aLevel,
                                         java.util.List[] allValues,
                                         boolean includeNulls)
        Make sure allValues are represented at aLevel (add empty value-group for missing values) Currently assumes that children are sorted by allValues.
      • getAllDistinctValuesAtLevel

        public java.util.List[] getAllDistinctValuesAtLevel​(int aLevel,
                                                            java.lang.Object nullValue,
                                                            java.util.List[] allValues)
        Returns two lists - (1) all distinct values at a given group level and (2) a sample group for each value.
      • turnObjectsIntoLeafs

        public void turnObjectsIntoLeafs()
        Turns all list objects into leaf groups.
      • valueForKey

        public java.lang.Object valueForKey​(java.lang.String aKey)
        Custom implementation of valueForKey to handle group heritage keys.
        Specified by:
        valueForKey in interface RMKey.ValueForKey
      • valueForKeyChain

        public java.lang.Object valueForKeyChain​(java.lang.Object aKeyChain)
        Custom implementation of valueForKeyChain to handle top N groups.
        Specified by:
        valueForKeyChain in interface RMKey.ValueForKeyChain
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        Specified by:
        equals in interface java.util.Collection
        Specified by:
        equals in interface java.util.List
        equals in class java.util.ArrayList