Interface ConfigurationInterface

    • Method Detail

      • createFile

        void createFile​(java.lang.String filePath,
                        byte[] fileData)
        Creates a file at ${HOME} + filePath. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten
      • removeFile

        boolean removeFile​(java.lang.String filePath)
        Attempts to remove file at ${HOME} + filePath. Returns true of the delete succeeded.
      • removeDirRecursive

        void removeDirRecursive​(java.lang.String dirPath)
        Removes an entire directory, recursively.
      • flushDefaultDatasourceCache

        void flushDefaultDatasourceCache​(int projectId)
        Removes the given project from the default datasource cache. Use when the default datasource may have changed for a project.
      • notifyDatasourceAdded

        void notifyDatasourceAdded​(int id)
        Notifies the cluster that a datasource has been added
      • notifyDatasourceUpdated

        void notifyDatasourceUpdated​(int id)
        Notifies the cluster that a datasource has been updated
      • notifyDatasourceRemoved

        void notifyDatasourceRemoved​(int id)
        Notifies the cluster that a datasource has been removed
      • flushAuditCache

        void flushAuditCache​(int projectId)
        Flushes the audit configuration cache. Use when audit configuraton may have changed.
      • flushAuthCache

        void flushAuthCache()
        Flushes the authentication configuration cache. Use when authentication configuration may have changed.