

Allows you to browse the OPC servers in the runtime returning a list of tags.


information2 This function accepts keyword-style invocation.


system.opc.browse(opcServer, device, folderPath, opcItemPath)


String opcServer - The name of the OPC server to browse

String device - The name of the device to browse

String folderPath - Filters on a folder path. Use * as a wildcard for any number of characters and a ? for a single character.

String opcItemPath - Filters on a OPC item path. Use * as a wildcard for any number of characters and a ? for a single character.


OPCBrowseTag[] - A an array of OPCBroweTag. OPCBrowseTag has the following functions: getOpcServer(), getOpcItemPath(), getType(), getDisplayName(), getDisplayPath(), getDataType().




Example 1: Browse every OPC server


tags = system.opc.browse()
for row in tags:
    print row.getOpcServer(), row.getOpcItemPath(), row.getType(), row.getDisplayName(), row.getDisplayPath(), row.getDataType()


Example 2: Browse Ignition OPC-UA


tags = system.opc.browse(opcServer="Ignition OPC-UA Server")


Example 3: Browse Specific Device


tags = system.opc.browse(opcServer="Ignition OPC-UA Server", device="Dairy Demo Simulator")


Example 4: Browse Specific Folder Path (not OPC item path)


tags = system.opc.browse(opcServer="Ignition OPC-UA Server", folderPath="*Overview/AU 1*")